Tag Archives: magazines

The Battle of the Sexes … Really?

As I waited at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas to board a flight to Los Angeles, my eyes caught sight of a nearby newsstand. I’m always interested in what the latest publications are, what’s hot in the literary world. But it wasn’t the articles or magazines themselves that intrigued me. I was struck by the ORGANIZATION of the magazines themselves.

Hopefully, you can see (sorry, smart phone photo app does not make me a professional photographer) Forbes and Money and Newsweek on the left side – and Oprah, People, Cosmo, and Vogue on the right. Okay, I get that. Business, serious stuff together – gossip, fun, “light” stuff also together.

What assaulted my gender-free Berkeley college days is the fact that one section is labeled MEN’S INTERESTS and the other WOMEN’S INTERESTS. (If you can’t see this at the top of the displays, can you guess which one is labeled which … and why I’m having an aneurism?)


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